The government will provide a voucher towards the cost of installing energy efficient and low-carbon heating improvements to homes in England. The voucher will cover up to two-thirds of the cost for homeowners and landlords, and up to 100% of the cost for low-income households.
Introduced in September, the Green Homes Grant is a government scheme designed to help homeowners and landlords fund energy saving home improvements.
With grants of up to £5,000 available, the government will cover up to two-thirds of the cost of eligible improvements.
Families receiving certain benefits may be eligible for a higher contribution of up to £10,000 or the total cost of improvements.
You must redeem the voucher and ensure improvements are completed by 31 March 2021.
Eligible energy saving improvements are divided into two categories – primary and secondary measures. It’s worth noting that to secure funding for a secondary measure, you must install a primary measure too.
Primary measures include:
Secondary measures include:
You may be eligible if you live in England and:
You cannot get the Green Homes Grant for newly built homes which have not been previously occupied.
Vouchers will cover two-thirds of the cost of eligible improvements, up to a maximum government contribution of £5,000.
If you, or someone in your household, receive certain benefits you may be eligible for a voucher covering 100% of the cost of the improvements. The maximum value of the voucher is £10,000 unless you are eligible for full funding as a low-income applicant.
Landlords are not eligible for low income support.
You only need 1 quote from a Green Homes Grant registered installer such as Euro Insulation in order to apply for a voucher.
You will need to provide a copy of the quote when you apply. If the quote seems unreasonably high, the scheme administrator may request that you provide another quote.
You can use more than one installer to install different measures. You only need to complete one application form, but you will need to provide a separate quote for each measure.
If you would prefer, to minimise contact during national restrictions, you can ask your installer to provide a quote remotely using a video call or detailed photos.
Costs that are covered by the voucher include:
Additional works will be covered by the voucher if they are necessary for the installation of measures.
Work cannot be completed by yourself, a member of your household or your immediate family.
All work covered by the voucher must be completed by a TrustMark-registered installer such as Euro Insulation who are also registered for the scheme.
Your installer will also need to meet PAS and MCS standards when installing your measures. Euro Insulation meets all these regulations.
The Government will start to issue vouchers to customers from early November 2020.
You will receive a separate voucher for each of the measures that you have applied to install.
Each voucher is only valid for the measure and property you have applied for.
The voucher is only for use by the named applicant and cannot be transferred to another person.
You can only begin work once your voucher has been issued. Any work that was started before that date cannot be claimed.
Euro Insulation will be able to advise you further on the process.
You must redeem your voucher before it expires.
To redeem your voucher you will need:
You will need to confirm that:
When you redeem your voucher the grant will be paid on your behalf directly to the installer.
Once the work is completed, your installer must give you:
We understand that the funding initiatives and grants can be confusing especially if you’re trying to decide if it is right for your home. If you have any questions please contact us through our contact page, or use our contact form below.
Our team will be in contact within 24 hours to help guide you and answer any questions you may have.