What Is LA FLEX Grant Funding?
LA FLEX is the qualifying criteria defined by your Local Authority, usually set out under their ‘Statement of Intent’.
It allows Local Authorities to extend the criteria under ECO beyond household income and benefits received.
Subsequently, more homeowners can get access to energy efficiency measures via the LA FLEX scheme.
To help the most vulnerable people in our society, participating local authorities will have a special obligation to ensure that these are households living either on fuel poverty or with low incomes and who can be particularly affected by cold weather.
Additionally some non-poor homes may receive solid wall insulation for those houses where at least one household member falls into one of these categories–this is subject however only if there’s an insufficient number resources available without spending too much money overall!


The UK is looking to help those that are most in need by providing them with more information on energy poverty and how it affects their everyday life.
They have set up a task force which will make sure all local authorities participate, as well as ensuring vulnerable households live in private tenure homes or ones below low income levels so they can get the warm comfort needed during winter months without having any financial worries whatsoever!
The government needs your input though- if you know someone who might qualify please send an email today because this opportunity could really change somebody’s world forever!! Some of the the benefits include Wall Insulation, Roof Insulation, Reduction On Your Energy Bills, Central Heating and many more….