Ventilation is the essential process of circulating fresh air. Without proper ventilation, buildings become susceptible to stagnant air, where bacteria and carbon can make the indoor air more polluted than the air outside.
Staying home with only members of your household is the best way to keep COVID particles out of your home. However, if a visitor needs to be in your home, improving ventilation (air flow) can help prevent virus particles from accumulating in the air in your home. Extract fans above your hob and in your bathroom that vent outdoors will help move air outside. Although some stove exhaust fans don’t send the air to the outside, they can still improve air flow and keep virus particles from being concentrated in one place.
Traditional houses are full of air leaks introducing natural ventilation into your home. When any form of fabric insulation is installed for example Internal Wall Insulation this natural ventilation is heavily reduced so in turn background ventilation needs to be introduced.
Natural fresh clean air will be brought back into your home using trickle vents on your windows.
We will supply and install the calculated amount of trickle vents to your windows as part of the works if they are not currently installed trickle vents will be installed to all living and bedrooms, sometimes trickle vents can not be installed if this happens we would drill a core vent to bring in the fresh air.
As the fabric is sealed the nasty moist air from cooking, bathing, breathing etc will need to be removed form the property keeping the air quality high by the use of extractor fans.
For technical reasons kitchens and bathrooms are not generally covered by internal wall insulation, for example a standard bath may not fit back into a bathroom so in these rooms extract ventilation is required.
We will supply and install the required amount of extract fans as part of the works if they are not currently installed the fans will be installed either by drilling holes through the walls or through slate roof vents.
The benefits of installing an extractor fan or ventilation system
The effect of not having good quality air in the home is dramatic. The average person spends 90% of their time indoors and 70% of this time is spent in their own home. The indoor living environment is therefore crucial to the health of the occupants.
If condensation occurs over a prolonged period of time, other signs will start to appear such as damp patches on walls, peeling wallpaper and ultimately black mould growth.
Condensation is arguably the most common form of damp issue found in the home with 1 in 5 properties throughout the UK affected.
There are as many as 900 toxins polluting the air inside our homes, so it is important to ensure you take measures to improve the indoor air quality.
As most asthma or allergy sufferers will know, the common house dust mite can play a major part in aggravating their symptoms and high levels of humidity in the home is the perfect breeding ground for dust mites.
Condensation is arguably the most common form of damp issue found in the home with 1 in 5 properties throughout the UK affected.
1 in 5 UK homes suffer from mould and condensation problems. Unless the problem is dealt with professionally it will come back to haunt you time and time again.
You are eligible for ECO if you are a core group customer from scheme year 9 onwards under the Warm Home Discount Scheme or you receive at least one of the following benefits and satisfy the relevant income requirements, where applicable:
Once we get your application through, one of our team members will contact you and discuss your requirements.
We’re able to advise whether the work is possible and what you would be entitled to receive. We then arrange a home-visit at a time convenient to you.
Whilst we’re on-site we will survey the property and check everything is okay ahead of our installation team visiting. We check heating, measure floor-space, even check existing insulation. All pre-checks are dependent on what you require and it will take around 30 minutes.
Our fully-trained and experienced installers will arrive and carry out all work required. They will ensure no packaging is left behind and will regularly updated you on progress throughout installation. We will then send any guarantees or documents directly to you.