We are fully committed to reducing carbon emissions in-line with the UK government targets, whether for those customers who are able to pay, or those that need financial support.
The cost of living crisis and soaring energy bills in recent years have expeditated the need to makeour homes more energy efficient.Those who own or rent their home are rightfully searching the internet for cost-effective ways tosave money and reduce energy waste.
1. Insulate your home.
Euro Energy Group are able to offer insulation to suit your properties needs. Cavity, loft and solid wall insulation are some of the most effective ways to immediately reduce your bills.
2.Replace your windows and doors.
Many properties are outdated; simply replacing the oldwith new A-rated windows and doors will saving you £100’s each year.
3.Install solar panels
Solar panels are a major asset to any property, so we are in no doubt as to why they are the most common domestic energy source. Once installed, they will generate your own electricity for years to come.
4.Replace heating systems with air source heat pumps.
Solar panels are a major asset to any property, so we are in no doubt as to why they are the most common domestic energy source. Once installed, they will generate your own electricity for years to come.
Tailored products just for you
To maximise your savings and dramatically reduce carbon emissions, Euro Energy Group encourages customers to take a whole house approach to upgrades.
The top results are achieved by combining our suggestions into a transformation strategy for your home. For those people on low income, support is available to finance a range of measures.
Please see our ‘funding’ pages.If you are in rental accommodation, landlord permission will be required.
It is likely that government regulation will raise the minimum standard further to a D rating by 2025 and a C rating by 2030.From the 1st April 2018, the government made it mandatory for all private rented properties to achieve an energy efficiency rating of at least an E on their EPC, to meet the minimum standards.
This is likely to increase to D rating by 2025 and C rating by 2030.
Euro Energy Group supports landlords to upgrade their homes, as well as keep them up to date on regulation to avoid any non-compliance penalties. If a property does not meet the minimum standards, it will be deemed unlawful for landlords to let or market their property.
This has a significant impact and delay on your property portfolio success. Future proof your assets and start upgrading your portfolio to avoid falling foul of new standards. Euro Energy Group will advise, assess and install energy efficient systems.
There are funding schemes available (if the tenants meets eligible criteria). Please see our ‘funding’ pages.
Why is it that some letting agents seem more successful than others? The truth is that they align to landlords interests and success.
They put themselves in the landlords shoes and invest in long-term growth.
Letting agents don’t want to be on the same page as landlords, rather be on a page in front.
Keeping a landlord informed and supporting their ambitions is at the centre of an estate agents existence.
Euro Energy Group work with letting agents to offer their landlords an enhanced service. We will work with you and your clients in creating a realistic, affordable and value-added strategy.
Our Goals
“Euro Energy Group break down the barriers to achieving a social landlords retrofit priorities.”
The UK has committed to all buildings having low-to-zero carbon emissions by 2050 to meet the country’s climate targets.
Social landlords, a sector providing multi-millions of homes throughout the UK, are a central player.
Landlords have the opportunity to improve their stock through significant investment into retrofit projects.
The Problem
It is a mammoth, time-consuming and complex task.
Social landlords are not retrofit experts, but are duly making noteworthy commitments to reducing their energy consumption, while providing affordable, efficient homes to their tenants.
Most, if not all, recognise the significance of long-term investment into retrofitting their properties.
Our Solution
Euro Energy Group work directly with social landlords to navigate the challenge, review the options and provide solutions.
“As an experienced installer, we are trusted to convert proposals into tangible results.”
Registered providers of social housing can apply for funding to improve the energy performance of their social homes through the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund. Speak to us for advice on how to access funding through current and future schemes.
Euro Energy Group are a trusted and reliable partner for local authorities; aligned in our community interest and making a difference.
Euro Energy Group are helping local authorities across the country to improve the energy efficiency of low-income households through the Local Authority Delivery Scheme (LAD).
We understand residents’ needs, and help local authorities to raise the energy efficiency of low EPC rated homes (those with Band E, F or G).
And those living in the low income homes, delivering progress towards reducing fuel poverty in our communities and the phasing out in the UK’s commitment to net zero by 2050.
“Reduced energy waste equals more money for frontline public sector workers.”
The Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme supports public sector buildings reduce emissions by 75% by 2037, as set out in the UK 2021 Net Zero and Heat and Buildings strategies.Investing in new technology and upgrading existing buildings is helping to shield public sector organisations from rising prices and protects economic stability, while leading the way in cutting carbon emissions.Upgraded schools and hospitals safeguard taxpayers money; so more money goes to our children’s education and bolsters our NHS’s ability to provide quality healthcare.Euro Energy Group are a reliable choice; supporting public sector organisations in their retrofit journey.
Helping businesses become more energy efficient.
Many businesses are looking for ways to reduce their energy consumption; because of cost, environmental concerns or the need to comply with regulations.
It may have been absent in most recent five year strategy, but growing numbers of businesses arerecognising energy efficiency as a key priority in their continued operations.
The global economy is built on the success of small businesses. Euro Energy Group support businesses to invest in their continued growth and solve their energy challenges. In turn, those organisations can continue to do what they do best; deliver a exceptional service to their customers and provide for their staff.