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Eco 4 Funding

The ECO4 scheme is designed to help reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty. It requires major energy suppliers to fund the installation of energy efficiency measures in British homes. The scheme, started in April 2022 and is set to run until March 2026 and aims to make homes more energy-efficient, warmer, and cheaper to heat.

What is Eco4 Funding?

Eco4 Funding is an innovative scheme mandated by the UK government, compelling energy suppliers to support and finance energy-saving measures in qualifying homes across the country.

This initiative is particularly focused on helping low-income and vulnerable households enhance their energy efficiency through various improvements, from insulation upgrades to the installation of advanced heating systems.

Who benefits?

Eco4 Funding is crafted with the dual aim of supporting those most in need and making a tangible impact on environmental sustainability. Whether you own your home or rent, if you’re facing high energy costs or living in a property that’s not as warm or as green as it could be, Eco4 Funding is here to help.

Eco 4 Funding Snapshot

Improve the energy efficiency of homes across the UK, particularly those in bands D-G on the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) which are the least energy efficient.

Reduce household carbon emissions and combat climate change.

Address fuel poverty by making energy bills more affordable for vulnerable households.

Key points about ECO4 funding:

Funding amount: £4 billion.

Program duration: Runs until March 31st, 2026.

Focus: ECO4 targets a “whole house retrofit approach” meaning it aims to comprehensively improve the energy efficiency of eligible homes, rather than focusing on individual measures.

Who can apply: Homeowners or tenants in qualifying properties can benefit from the scheme.


ECO4 aims to help install energy efficiency measures in 2.4 million homes across the UK by March 2026.


How can Eco4 funding transform your home?

  • Reduce Your Energy Bills: By making your home more energy-efficient, you can enjoy lower energy costs year-round.
  • Improve Your Comfort: Upgraded insulation and heating systems mean a warmer home in the winter and a cooler abode in the summer.
  • Protect the Environment: Every improvement contributes to the reduction of carbon emissions, helping combat climate change.

What can be funded by ECO4?

The Eco4 scheme, evolving from its predecessors, continues to focus on enhancing the energy efficiency of homes across the UK, especially aiding low-income and vulnerable households.

Under Eco4, a range of measures are funded to reduce energy consumption, lower carbon emissions, and make homes warmer and more comfortable. Here’s an overview of the types of improvements that can be funded under the scheme:

Insulation Solutions

Loft Insulation: To reduce heat loss through the roof, making homes warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Cavity Wall Insulation: To fill the gap between the external walls, significantly reducing heat loss.

Solid Wall Insulation: For homes without cavity walls, improving warmth and reducing energy bills.

Underfloor Insulation: To prevent heat loss through floors, enhancing overall thermal comfort.

Roof Insulation: Specifically targeting flat roofs or rooms in roofs to reduce heat loss.

Heating Upgrades

Boiler Upgrade or Replacement: Funding may cover more efficient boilers or the repair of existing ones to enhance efficiency and safety.

Renewable Heating Systems: Installation of systems like air source heat pumps which use renewable energy sources to heat the home.

Renewable Energy Installations

Solar PV Panels: Generating electricity from sunlight, reducing reliance on the grid and potentially lowering electricity bills.

Battery Storage Systems: To store electricity generated by solar panels or off-peak electricity from the grid, optimising energy use.

Secondary Measures

The scheme may also cover secondary measures that further enhance energy efficiency and household comfort, such as:

Heating Controls and Insulation: Smart thermostats, radiator valves, and better heating controls to reduce waste.

Income and Benefits-Based Criteria

Households receiving certain government benefits may automatically qualify for Eco4 funding. This includes, but is not limited to:

Universal Credit, Pension Guarantee Credit, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Income Support, Child Tax Credits, Working Tax Credits, Housing Benefit.

Low-Income Households

Households not on specific benefits but falling within certain low-income thresholds may also qualify. This often includes a detailed assessment of household income compared to energy costs, aimed at identifying fuel poverty or vulnerability to cold-related health issues.

Property Eligibility

The scheme typically targets properties that are deemed to be inefficient in terms of energy use. This can include homes with:

Poor insulation, Old or inefficient heating systems, A low Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating, usually E, F, or G

Vulnerable and Fuel-Poor Households

Special consideration is given to households that are particularly vulnerable. This might include:

Elderly residents, Families with young children, Individuals with disabilities or long-term health conditions, Those at particular risk of fuel poverty.

Area-Based Eligibility

In some cases, eligibility may extend to residents of certain areas identified by local authorities as being in particular need of energy efficiency improvements. This approach allows for targeted support in communities most affected by fuel poverty and inefficient housing.

Who is eligible to claim?

The Eco4 scheme, aimed at enhancing the energy efficiency of homes while supporting low-income and vulnerable households in the UK, has specific eligibility criteria designed to ensure that support reaches those who need it most. While the exact eligibility criteria can vary slightly depending on the specific details of the scheme at any given time, here’s a general outline of who might qualify for assistance under Eco4:


In order to benefit from ECO you must own your own home or have the permission of your landlord, including if your property is owned by a social housing provider or management company.

As ECO is not a grant scheme, different companies or installers may provide different levels or types of support towards the installation of energy efficiency or heating measures. 

Euro Energy Group will always strive to offer the maximum level of support you’re entitled to. 

It is up to the energy companies to determine which measures they choose to fund, the level of funding they provide and the installer they choose to work with.

The level of funding will depend on the measure type and a number of other factors. In some cases, you may be asked to contribute to the cost of the installation, our team can advise you further once you complete our online application.

No. Any obligated supplier can deliver measures to any domestic premises in England, Wales and Scotland, provided the eligibility criteria are met.

All installers must be TrustMark registered businesses, or equivalent in order to deliver measures under ECO. If a company approaches you and claims to be an installer, always ask to see their credentials. You should expect to see the following certification to prove they are registered with a consumer protection body:

  • Most measures under ECO must installed by, or under the responsibility of a person who is registered with TrustMark, or equivalent. Installers registered with TrustMark will have a registration number.
  • If they are installing a district heating connection, they must either be registered with Heat Trust or have equivalent consumer protection in place.

Euro Energy Group can provide all documentation and certification should you wish to see it. 

For a boiler replacement to be eligible, immediately prior to the installation the premises must have a boiler, which has broken down and cannot be economically repaired. The following measures can be installed outside of the broken heating system cap:

  • First Time Central Heating (FTCH)
  • A renewable heating system
  • A district heating system
  • A secondary heating measure when installed alongside a primary insulation measure
  • A demonstration action or innovation score uplift measure
  • The installation of heating controls

Find out if you're eligible for funding?

Fast & Easy Eligibility Check! Complete our online form in minutes and see what energy-saving options you qualify for.

Not eligible for funding?

Even if you don’t qualify for funding, please get in touch with us as our expertise and competitive quotes can still help you achieve energy savings and cost reduction.