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Funding Available

There are Government grants and funding available to help increase your home’s energy efficiency and lower your energy bills.

The average homeowner or tenant could be wasting hundreds, maybe even thousand, of pounds each year, simply because their property is not as efficient as it could be.

The average homeowner or tenant could be wasting hundreds, maybe even thousand, of pounds each year, simply because their property is not as efficient as it could be.

The resulting impact is not just unnecessary spending, but also the huge impact on the environment through wasted energy.

In response to the damage being caused and the inefficiency of many homes, the government have set aside money to improve homes across the UK, bringing them up to the new recognised standard of energy efficiency.

This is great news for you! Energy grants and funding are now available to help you with the costs of making these improvements, and in low-income households could even be completely free.

Not only do improvements come at a reduced rate, or with no cost at all, the result is a more efficient home that is much cheaper to run over time. Not to mention a warmer, much more cosy home for you and your family.

ECO Funding Energy Funding

Energy suppliers funding the installation of energy efficiency measures. The obligated energy suppliers work with installers to introduce certain efficiency measures into your home, such as loft or wall insulation. 

LA Flexibility

Part of the ECO funding, but often referred to as ‘LA Flex’. Local authorities publish their flexibility qualifying criteria in their ‘Statement of Intent’.


We have a quick online application form for us to check what yo may be entitled to.


Energy is one of the main grant-giving areas, as substantial Government funding is available.